Friday, May 26, 2006

Rasberry Lime Sorbet

Raspberry Lime SorbetAs we face into summer, there is nothing quite like the fresh taste of a sorbet to cool the head and enliven the palate. Raspberry and lime is one of my favourites and it's actually quite simple to prepare...

It's great either as a dessert or a sorbet course. If it's for a sorbet course, you might want to add another lime to make it more tart. The chocolate sauce recipe I gave here would be a great addition if it's a dessert.

Murphys Rasberry Lime Sorbet

1 Cup (237 ml) Sugar

1 Cup (237 ml) Water

225 gm (8 oz) Fresh, Ripe Raspberrys

4 limes

Yield: 6 Servings

What to do:

1. You will need the zest as well as the juice from the limes, so bring out your grater and work those peels (it's much easier before you cut the limes!). If you have a zester, this step will be very easy...

2. Put the sugar and lime zest in a heat-proof or pan.

3. Boil water in a tea boiler and measure out one cup.

4. Pour it over the sugar and zest, stir until the sugar has dissolved, and let it sit for about half an hour.

5. Strain out the lime zest and discard, and put the sugar syrup in a pan.

Raspberry Lime Sorbet 26. Add the raspberries and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat.

7. Stir it vigorously to break up the raspberries, then place into the refrigerator until cool.

8. When it's fully cool, add the juice of the limes. If you don't have a juicer, put a sieve over the bowl to catch the pips, and squeeze away.

9. Freeze using a domestic ice cream maker, or cover and place in the freezer.

10. If you use the latter method, wait until the sorbet is about halfway frozen, mix it vigorously, then return to the freezer.


1. It's hard to make sorbet without an ice cream machine. You will need to interrupt the freezing process and stir, or you will be left with a block of red ice! The more times you do this, the better the consistency will be.

2. For more information, I wrote about working with fruit in ice cream here.

3. This sorbet is suitable for coeliacs, the lactose-intolerant, and is virtually fat-free. For more on special diets, click here.

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